I wanted to review this book or at least provide a quick recommendation of it for anyone wanting an overview on Oil & Gas. Written by Martin Raymond and William Leffler, Oil and Gas Production covers the history and current practices of petroleum exploration and production.
As a general overview this book succeeds in sharing geology concepts relevant to field identification, plate tectonics, sediments and porosity, the theories of petroleum origins (Biogenic, Abiogenic) and the various classifications for gas and crude. Surveying technology, drilling technology and well stimulation are all covered as well. Fracking is of course a hot technology, improvement of which has played a large role in pushing the U.S. to the top of petroleum extraction. This book helps explain this is an umbrella term and the broader term well stimulation can be mechanical, chemical or other methods and these are always being innovated.
So far you may have picked up that this book is more so for an overview of upstream production and doesn't cover downstream refining or transportation. However if any of these topics mentioned are interesting or even sound a little mysterious, this should be a quality read for you.
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