Contact me:
Hi and welcome to my blog!
My name is Wolfgang, and I'm a tech worker in Texas. I have a B.S. with specializations in Production Management and German studies. I am interested in data science and all the tools that help me analyze the world. Python is my choice language.
My goal here is to be informational. Any content that is shallow or already covered well elsewhere will not be included. However I'm also writing up reference material I'd like to track.
Hardware section is self-explanatory.
Projects section contains software and data projects.
Personal is a miscellaneous catch-all.
Software section for pure software articles.
About Blog
This blog was generated using Pelican, a python language static site generator, and the theme is based off of Kevin Deldycke's 'Plumage' theme.
Let me know if at any time your experience on this blog is slow or anything unsecure appears. You can view my website scripts on my github here. I do not run any ads or collect user metrics.
I have added a static comment section, feel free to post a comment on any article using Markdown syntax if you would like. This requires your browser to have a Mailto setup as the comment is in fact emailed to me for approval. I like this system because it allows you to remain anonymous, use advanced syntax and the interaction is entirely between us with no 3rd party software. How flexible is Markdown? I use Markdown to format my posts.